# Upgrading to linux-current and debugging of
## How to boot RockPro64 from u-boot console
To get out of desaster in case my production system brakes when attempting to use a newer kernel I need to be able to boot the old kernel from the u-boot console.
The boot process can be reconstructed from /boot/boot.cmd. For Armbian Debian Bookworm it looks like this
### booting of emmc, but mounting harddrives as root device
setenv rootdev "/dev/mmcblk0p1"
setenv verbosity "1"
setenv console "both"
setenv rootfstype "ext4"
load mmc 0:1 0x800800 /boot/armbianEnv.txt
# replace the 139 on the following line with the
# filesize output by 'load'
env import -t 0x800800 139
part uuid mmc 0:1 partuuid
setenv bootargs "root=${rootdev} rootwait rootfstype=${rootfstype} ${consoleargs} consoleblank=0 loglevel=${ver
bosity} ubootpart=${partuuid} usb-storage.quirks=${usbstoragequirks} ${extraargs} ${extraboardargs}"
ls mmc 0:1 /boot
# get the dtb directory, **uInitrd** and the vmlinuz
# from the output to use with the following 'load' commands
load mmc 0:1 0x02080000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.213-legacy-rockchip64
load mmc 0:1 0x06000000 /boot/uInitrd-4.4.213-legacy-rockchip64
load mmc 0:1 0x01f00000 /boot/dtb-4.4.213-legacy-rockchip64/rockchip/rk3399-rockpro64.dtb
booti 0x02080000 0x06000000 0x01f00000
### using scsi only
# initialize pci bus
pci enum
# show devices on pci
# scan for scsi devices
scsi reset
# get partition table
scsi part
# find boot files
ls scsi 0:1 /boot
# start loding stuff like shown above
## reboot tests for PCIe improvements
### debian dmesg and restart
Show dmesg on serial console after boot, wait 20 seconds, and shutdown for the next powercylce:
root:~# cat /root/bin/dmesg_and_shutdown.sh
dmesg > /dev/ttyS2
echo "Will shutdown in 20 seconds - to stop me call 'pkill dmesg_and_shut'" > /dev/ttyS2
sleep 20
echo "shutdown -h" > /dev/ttyS2
shutdown -h now
root:~# crontab -l
@reboot /root/bin/dmesg_and_shutdown.sh
### Powercycle the board
Using a Sonoff Powr2 flashed with [ESP Easy](https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy) (mega-20210503) to switch the powersupply off and on again:
Rule Set 1:
On System#Boot do
On button#button_state do
if [blue_led#blue_led_state]=1
On Rules#Timer=1 do
On Rules#Timer=2 do
Pressing the button toggles between:
* blue led off, timers disabled, relay on permanently
* blue led on, timers switch the relay off for 5 seconds, on for 120 seconds and then repeat
### result
The resulting log is taken from the serial console on a second machine running `minicom`.
To split the logfile into one individual boot per file I used `csplit ../filename.log '/U-Boot TPL 2023.07+dfsg-1/' '{*}'`.
To look into the many logfiles I decided to diff all of them agains one of them and filter out what I'd say is unimportant to find the ones that do have significant differences easier:
GREP1='Received client request to flush runtime journal|SerialNumber: fe380000.usb|Wireless Keyboard/Mouse|^\d+ bytes read in \d+ ms \(|^ ([\d,]+| {11,})\s+[\d,]+\s+\w+_\w+$'
PERLRE='s/^\[[\s\d.]{12}\] (.+)/$1/; s/\d+ MB\/sec//; s/^(usb usb\d:|^hub \d-|^usb \d-)//; s/clock to 2025.*$//'
GREP2='^raid\|^.hci-platform\|^fan53555-regulator\|^mmc2: \|^ SerialNumber: fe3c0000.usb\|^systemd\[1\]'
for F in reboot-logs/xx*; do
echo -e "\n============== diff reboot-logs/xx01 $F\n"
diff -W110 --suppress-common-lines -yibB \
<(grep -vaP "$GREP1" reboot-logs/xx01 | perl -pe"$PERLRE" | grep -av "$GREP2") \
<(grep -vaP "$GREP1" $F | perl -pe"$PERLRE" | grep -av "$GREP2")
Looking at the diffs I found that `xx44` and `xx76` seemed to contain failed boots. Some other of the logfiles with bigger differences I symlinked to the main dircetory for further reference:
$ ls -l
insgesamt 5212
-rw-r--r-- 1 cvogel cvogel 65704 28. Feb 19:09 8mfO.dtb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cvogel cvogel 694 2. Mär 14:44 diff_logs.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 cvogel cvogel 47 2. Mär 14:54 README.md
drwxr-xr-x 2 cvogel cvogel 4096 2. Mär 12:26 reboot-logs
-rw-r--r-- 2 cvogel cvogel 5248712 2. Mär 00:30 rockpro64-DeLockSATA-dietpiKernel-dtbPatched-dmesg-shutdown-powercycle.log
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cvogel cvogel 16 2. Mär 14:46 xx06 -> reboot-logs/xx06
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cvogel cvogel 16 2. Mär 14:49 xx39 -> reboot-logs/xx39
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cvogel cvogel 16 2. Mär 14:49 xx44 -> reboot-logs/xx44
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cvogel cvogel 16 2. Mär 14:50 xx54 -> reboot-logs/xx54
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cvogel cvogel 16 2. Mär 14:52 xx67 -> reboot-logs/xx67
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cvogel cvogel 16 2. Mär 14:53 xx76 -> reboot-logs/xx76
I uploaded an archive with these files: https://lufi.z9.de/r/0Mx0mWJkce#NSkHC1kDDpVFmnJJwzRCR+UGB3n+9yW2DF7jB/f4Iog= (available until 2026-03-01)